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Why Rely on Me?

I will take you step by step to your goal through structured workouts tailored to your needs.

I`ll explain how to maximize results with methods and experience gained over the years living abroad in Germany, Canada and France.

Remember 40-60 minutes of training 3-4 days a week can change your life.

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Scroll through My Services

Thanks to my coaching program with which I have helped +300 clients revolutionize their physiques. No more following the usual and useless gym workout schedules and no more undergoing the classic unnecessarily strict and restrictive diets.

Tangible, Rapid Results, Even if You Start From Zero

The Manta Protocol is a new personalized coaching program that can make your training and nutrition professional, it is designed to get you to your goals in the shortest possible time. If you want to turn your life around, waking up in the morning happy and proud to look yourself up in the mirror, you've come to the right place.

Ecco le caratteristiche specifiche del Protocollo Manta

Goal setting

Customized diet plan

Training and nutrition program every 3 months

Support and service

Customized training plan

Periodic improvement check up

WhatsApp number with 24/7 availability

Support and service

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Amazing Results

See the incredible results and testimonials of our clients. Below you can see their amazing transformations and how, thanks to my online remote coaching service, they were able to turn their lives around and achieve their best fitness ever in a natural, sustainable and lasting way...

Suplements Prozis

Prozis is Europe's largest sports nutrition store is the first choice in sports nutrition for elite and professional athletes.

Over 10,000 products in health, wellness, beauty and nutrition are available in the Prozis store. With my discount code MANTA10, you can save up to 10% on all products.

BMI Calculator

Body mass index is a calculation of body fat percentage based on a person's height and weight.

It is a general measurement method for weight categories: underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obesity. It provides a clearer picture of whether or not weight loss is necessary.

BMI Range Category
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Healthy
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 Obese
35.0 > Extremly Obese
*BMI Body Mass Index This is the body weight recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) based on BMI values for adults.

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On my instagram page you will find all the transformations of those who have relied on me plus all the valuable content inherent to fitness


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